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Security Management, Law Enforcement and the Future of Homeland Security

2014 June 23
by Jason Nairn, CPP, CISSP

As mentioned in a previous post, I have been in a transition from a position of operational responsibility to one where I have greater opportunity to reflect upon the key issues that form the homeland security professional’s working environment.  As both a practitioner and observer within the homeland security enterprise, I have had the opportunity to observe a variety of public and private sector security programs.  In many of these programs, there was a necessary relationship between law enforcement, and non-law enforcement security practitioners.

As a result of my observations on this subject, I have developed three principles, which I believe apply to the working relationships that are necessary to secure our nation’s future.  In a series of posts, I will be presenting these three principles.

This is a thought experiment presented for discussion and review.

The principles are derived from my own experience as a homeland security practitioner and are presented as a way to establish a foundation for interactions between law enforcement, and non-law enforcement security professionals.  The goal is to enhance the power and effectiveness of the most significant force within homeland security, interagency personal relationships.


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